When it comes to meeting your anime or cosplay partner, you’ll need to do some work. Hot anime and cosplay girls don’t just fall into your lap. You’ll need to put yourself out there.
Here’s a list of must attend 2019 cosplay events.
On that list, you’ll find cosplay and anime events in New York City, Dallas, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Seattle. In other words, an anime/cosplay event is happening somewhere near you. So there are no excuses to miss out.
If you want to date in the cosplay world, cosplay events are a must-attend. If you are shy, you need only to realize that dressing up in anime can help you overcome a lot of that. Be different and you’ll act differently.
Cosplay dating is now all the rage. That’s because cosplay girls are damn sexy. Even Hollywood is catching on.
Here’s Christina Hendricks, the former star of the hit show Mad Men, sexified up in her own cosplay attire.
Yes, the image is older, but Christina still looks sexy as hell. It raked in 360,000 comments and likes.
But sexy Christina Hendricks in Cosplay attire isn’t what this post is about, though it was a nice diversion.
This post should serve to inspire all my readers to get out and find your cosplay romance. Yes, you can use online dating, but even then, you should suggest meeting up at an event.